Check out Sana's Physionet Challenge!

The PhysioNet/CINC 2011 Challenge is an open and free event with the aim of stimulating and advancing computational research in cardiogy. The focus of this year's challenge is in designing an algorithm in Android that can estimate the quality of heart signals recorded from cell phones using Sana's software. Only basic programming is required to start modifying an open source Android App provided by PhysioNet/CINC. The top competitors will receive US$2000 in cash and a chance to present their work at the Computers in Cardiology Conference in China. For more details please see the link above. Good Luck!!

About Sana

Sana's mission is to revolutionize healthcare delivery for rural underserved populations. To this end, Sana provides an open-source Android-based telemedicine platform for clinical research and best-practice health care delivery. Click to learn more.


We're working on a number of interesting projects with our partner organizations, including the foundational offering of the Sana mHealth Lab, a distance learning initiative for spreading best-practices for establishing telemedicine programs. Click to learn more.


Sana was recently featured in the Boston Globe
and the Wall Street Journal