HST.184 Health Information Systems to Improve Quality of Care in Resource-Poor Settings

View the course page to see the syllabus and readings.

A recent article in Health Affairs looks at studies on eHealth effectiveness between July 2007 - Feburary 2010 and finds that 92% had positive conclusions about eHealth's overall effect.

Class 1: Health Care in the Developing World

Lecturer: Joia Mukherjee, Medical Director, Partners in Health

Objective: Provide an overview of the medical illnesses, the status of health care, and common human resource limitations in developing countries. Understand health inequities and the social determinants of health

Lecture Slides

Class 2: Health Information Systems in Resource-Poor Environments

Lecturer: Hamish Fraser, Director of Informatics and Telemedicine, Partners in Health

Objective: To provide a background on health information systems that have been implemented in developing countries and the evidence on their impact

Lecture Slides

Class 3: Overview of Quality Improvement

Lecturer: Leo Celi, Project Lead - Sana

Objective: Assess the scope of current problems with the quality in health care and establish definitions and framework for thinking about quality of care

Lecture Slides

Class 4: Operations Management at the Front Lines

Lecturer: Martin Were, Assistant Professor of Medicine, and Knowledge Informatics & Translation Indiana University

Objective: To evaluate the performance of operating units, understand why they perform as they do, and design new or improved operating procedures and systems

Lecture Slides

Class 5: Process Improvement Theory and Application

Lecturer: Brandon Bennett, Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Objective: Understand the methods used for improving process quality

Lecture Slides

Class 6: Goal Directed Research for Effective Health Information Systems

Lecturer: Evan Pankey

Objective: Learn to frame the research problems; learn where good ideas come from; and how to synthesize solutions

Lecture Slides

Class 7: Innovation and Adoption of New Practices

Lecturer: Jonathan Jackson, Founder and CEO of Dimagi

Objective: Examine principles of innovation and the adoption of new practices that can guide the design of successful quality improvement projects

Lecture Slides

Class 8: Checklists

Lecturer: Alvin Kwok, Surgeon, WHO Safe Surgery Saves Lives Initiative
Priya Agrawal, Obstetrician, WHO Making Pregnancy Safer Initiative

Objective: To understand how checklists improve safety and how they are used; to recognize some of the similarities and differences in improving quality of care in different settings

Lecture Slides

Class 9: Evaluating Process and Outcome Metrics

Lecturer: Lisa Hirschhorn, MD MPH,
Associate Director of International Monitoring and Evaluation, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School,
Senior Clinical Advisor, HIV/AIDS, JSI Research and Training Institute

Objective: Learn how to design a measurement approach to systematically measure dimensions of quality in clinical care systems

Lecture Slides

Class 10: Evaluating Process and Outcome Metrics

Lecturer: Pedro Delgado

Objective: Learn how to design an evaluation study with appropriate clinical and economic outcomes

Lecture Slides

Class 11: Organizational Change - Positive Deviance

Lecturer: Jessica Haberer, Research Scientist, Harvard Initiative for Global Health

Objective: Understand how to design and lead systems changes to achieve quality improvement within a heath-care organization

Lecture Slides

Class 12: Value-chain Analysis in Healthcare

Lecturer: Anjali Sastry, Executive Director, Global Health Delivery Project

Objective: Learn how to perform value chain analysis in health care and discuss ways it has been applied in developing countries

Class 13: Organizational Change - Lean Sigma

Lecturer: Andrew Kanter, Director of Health Information Systems/Medical Informatics Millennium Villages Project

Objective: Discuss the application of management models drawn from production industries to health-care delivery.

Lecture Slides

Class 14: Collaborative Change and Wrap-Up

Lecturer: Chaitali Sinha, Program Officer, International Development Research Centre

Objective: Discuss the model of inter-organizational learning as an approach to quality improvement.

Student Projects

In small groups the students wrote reports about one area of HIS for quality improvement in resource poor settings.

Impact of US Federal Funding on eHealth

Maternal Health Project

Public Health Software Framework

Vaccine Supply Chain in Ethiopia